Liqcreate - Bio Med Clear
Liqcreate - Bio Med Clear
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Liqcreate - Bio Med Clear

Liqcreate Bio-Med Clear is a rigid clear biocompatble photopolymer resin and can be processed...


Liqcreate Bio-Med Clear is a rigid clear biocompatble photopolymer resin and can be processed on most resin based 3D-printers. 3D-printed parts from this material exhibit biocompatible properties when post processed according to the processing instructions1. After washing and post-curing according to the instructions, printed parts from Liqcreate Bio-Med Clear pass the biocompatibility tests of:

     ○   Cytotoxicity ISO 10993-5:2009
     ○   Sensitization ISO 10993-10:2021
     ○   Irritation ISO 10993-23:2021


When using this product for making a regulated medical device the user must assume all the responsibility for registration and use of this device. Printed parts from Bio-Med Clear can be disinfected with commonly used disinfectants and sterilized by steam sterilization using an autoclave.

Scroll down to: Technical specifications | Printer compatibility Use cases | Processing instructions1


Biocompatible1 Steam sterilization High accuracy